Quick Tip
Unlike many areas of the country, 门罗县有足够的水来满足当前和未来的需求. 我们的水源安大略湖和其他五大湖拥有世界上20%的淡水!
EPA Drinking Water Health Advisories for PFAS
Public health protection is our highest priority. 门罗县水务局提供安全的饮用水, high-quality, 并且符合所有联邦和州的水质管理标准. On June 15, 2022, 美国环保署发布了四项新的饮用水健康建议,针对饮用水中被称为全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)的人造化学物质的浓度.
What are PFAS?
PFAS是一组自20世纪40年代以来广泛用于工业和消费品的人造化学品. Examples include carpets, clothing, textiles, food packaging, firefighting compounds, and many other modern industrial products. There are thousands of different PFAS compounds, some of which have been more widely used and studied than others. 美国环境保护署表示,大多数人通过消费品接触到这些化学物质. 在这些化学物质进入供水系统的社区,饮用水可能是另一个接触源.
全氟辛烷酸(PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)是全氟辛烷磺酸类中被广泛使用和研究的两种化学品. 近年来,在美国,全氟辛烷磺酸和全氟辛烷磺酸已被其他全氟辛烷磺酸取代. In chemical and product manufacturing, Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA), otherwise known as GenX, chemicals are considered a replacement for PFOA, 全氟辛烷磺酸(PFBS)被认为是全氟辛烷磺酸的替代品.
根据《澳博国际在线》的要求,环境保护局规定了饮用水中一百多种化合物的安全水平. 在该国的许多地区,PFAS化合物被认为在环境中无处不在. Currently, there are no federal regulations for PFAS.
What is a Health Advisory and what are the Health Advisory Levels?
饮用水健康咨询提供关于可能对人类健康造成影响的污染物的信息,这些污染物是已知的或预计会在饮用水中出现的. EPA’s health advisories are non-enforceable and non-regulatory. 相反,这些建议是在EPA制定正式法规之前发布的临时指导. 健康咨询向纽约州等国家机构和地方卫生部门以及其他公共卫生官员提供有关健康影响的技术信息, analytical test methods, 以及与饮用水污染有关的处理技术. 2016年,美国环保署首次发布了全氟辛酸和全氟辛烷磺酸的健康咨询水平,为万亿分之70 (ppt)。.
EPA’s June 15, 2022年行动确定了四种PFAS化合物的临时和最终健康咨询水平. These new levels include:
- Interim updated Health Advisory for PFOA = 0.004 ppt
- Interim updated Health Advisory for PFOS = 0.02 ppt
- Final Health Advisory for GenX chemicals = 10 ppt
- Final Health Advisory for PFBS = 2,000 ppt
For perspective, 1 part per trillion is equal to 1 second in 31,710 years or 1 drop of water in 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. 这些新的健康警告也低于目前科学设备的检测和测量能力.
Yes. On August 20, 2020, 纽约州修订了州《澳博国际在线平台》,并通过了公共供水系统的新饮用水标准,将全氟辛烷磺酸和全氟辛烷磺酸的最大污染物水平(毫微克)定为10毫微克. 新标准要求公共供水系统定期监测全氟辛烷磺酸和全氟辛烷磺酸, notify health departments and the public of confirmed exceedances, 并与卫生部门合作制定合规时间表和计划,将这些化学物质的浓度降低到MCL以下.
What are the PFAS levels in MCWA’s drinking water?
门罗县水务局每季度对源水中的PFAS化合物进行水质测试, treated drinking water leaving our water treatment plants, 以及我们从罗切斯特市和伊利县水务局购买水的分配系统的入口. 我们为符合联邦和州水质法规而提交的所有水质检测结果的摘要,可通过访问或点击以下网站的链接在我们的网站上查看: http://mzexmx.heladosfranky.com/my-water/water-quality/water-quality-reports/.
What is MCWA doing about PFAS in drinking water?
我们提供的饮用水仍然符合现行的联邦和州水质标准和法规. 我们认识到一些PFAS化合物的浓度高于EPA新的健康咨询水平. That is why more research and investment is needed. Specifically, we seek to:
- 继续进行强有力的测试和监测我们的水中PFAS的水平
- 了解其他已建立的和新兴的治疗方案
- 在环保局和纽约州制定未来饮用水标准的同时,制定切实可行的战略来减少全氟化砷的含量
For questions and more information
- For questions about specific health concerns, 与你的医疗保健提供者交谈,他们最熟悉你的健康史,可以提供建议和帮助,了解饮用水如何影响你的个人健康.
- For questions about levels of contaminants in our water supply, our regulatory compliance monitoring program, water treatment processes, or general questions, contact Customer Service at 442-7200.
- For more information about drinking water regulations, health advisories, or advice about your drinking water, contact your local health department:
- 门罗县居民:门罗县公共卫生部753-5057.
- 奥尔良县居民:奥尔良县卫生部589-3278.
- 杰纳西县居民:杰纳西县卫生部344-2580分机. 5555.
- 怀俄明县居民:怀俄明县卫生部786-8894.
- 利文斯顿县居民:利文斯顿县卫生部243-7280.
- 安大略县居民:nyysdoh,日内瓦地区办事处(315)789-3030.
- Wayne County Residents: NYSDOH, Geneva District Office (315) 789-3030.
References and Resources:
EPA – Drinking Water Health Advisories for PFOA and PFOS
EPA – Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
NYSDOH - PFOA, PFOS和1,4-二恶烷的公共水系统和纽约州饮用水标准
NYSDOH – Drinking Water Protection Program